Friday, December 31, 2010

DD Craft Brew Review: FD's Gonzo Imperial Porter

Flying Dog Gonzo Imperial Porter
Beer Type: Imperial Porter
IBU: 85  ABV: 9.2%

Appearance: Gonzo pours espresso black/very dark brown, like a carbonated black coffee, if you will. There’s a slight foamy head that dissipates quickly.

Scent: Aroma is of dark chocolate, roasted coffee and perhaps a hint of black olives (likely from the interplay between the malt, hops, and alcohol.)  The bouquet is citrus from the hops.

Taste: Starts off tasting like bitter chocolate, coffee, and malt and then evolves more to a taste of barley wine. The finish is a dry bitter finish, with a nice spicy kick from the hops. The hop kick gets heavier as the beer warms. The body is quite full, the carbonation goes some way at making it feel lighter in the beginning, but this is still a full bodied brew. Considering the 9.2% alcohol content by volume, this is dangerously drinkable as a beer - the "alcohol bite" is slim.

Comments: Overall excellent beer, I would highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys port beer and especially to anyone who enjoys IPAs as you will appreciate the addenda hops here. Plus, how can you not grin at a beer whose name is inspired by “Dr. Gonzo” and has a Hunter S. Thompson quote on the box?

My rating: 9.0/10